The Green Cable is significantly inspired by cable used  for years by the British Telephone Company. Google:

"1930's British Telephones". Similar braided cotton covered copper. The same braid of 4 wires was patented in the early 1960's by Albert Milliot. and became known as the Milliot braid. As a "retro" product, The Green Cable uses this braid of 4 covered by 100% cotton, and incorporates what has been known as the solution to signal cable for critical electronics devices for almost 100 years-Litz wire. The Type 2 Litz used in Green is oxygen free  copper (OFC) wire in bundles following the Nautilus Equation, aka golden spiral or golden equation.  As the Nautilus shell, the curve (the equation) never resolves. In Litz wire it controls resonance and improves the sound. Litz wire covered in silk or cotton can be found in the earliest components used by Bell Telephone. The optimum air dielectric is least hindered by the

"green" natural fiber, cotton. The "open" sound of the wire. 1/10,000" of polyurethane coats each copper strand-1 micron. Mostly surrounded by air (not heavy plastics) is obvious and highly desirable.

The 4 wire Milliot braid creates a self-shielding, noise reducing configuration.

These 4 wires are individually wrapped in 1/8" cotton. And this 1/2" braid runs elegantly across a room. The Green cable is so elegant that my wife wore the prototype interconnect around her neck as a necklace. Unusually high Wife acceptance Factor (WAF). And the performance of Green, open, clear and neutral stands proud next to any cable made. It truly represents  great value and the highest performance.

The Green Cable is so unique in its design it is protected by U.S. Patent



Only the Most Simple Can Accomplish the Most Complex

The Green Cable uses no Plastic

Only Cotton and Copper


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Special Offer:

An 8' pair of The Green Cable Speaker Cable Unterminated: $145

Quality Spades and Banana connectors available,

However, in our experience, the best termination is

no termination.